STEM Integration for High School Mathematics Teachers
High School Mathematics Teachers, STEM IntegrationAbstract
The discipline of mathematics in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) integration has not yet been consistently connected in a clear way for a large amount of high school mathematics teacher to implement STEM integration well. In response to this I have proposed a focus on integrated steM education; the integration of STEM subjects with an explicit focus on mathematics. There are benefits to integrated steM education in a mathematics classroom including increased motivation, interest, and achievement for students. Integrated steM integration can also prepare students with the needed proficiencies and knowledge bases to be productive and impactful members of society. This article discusses three methods that high school mathematics teachers can utilize for integrated steM education. By focusing on open-ended problems through engineering design challenges, mathematical modeling, and mathematics integrated with technology high school students are more likely to see mathematics as meaningful and valuable. Examples of each method are discussed along with common instructional elements among the methods.
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