Effectiveness of an Inquiry Focused Professional Development: Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Beliefs and Instruction


  • Jennifer Cribbs Oklahoma State University
  • Lisa Duffin Western Kentucky University
  • Martha Day Western Kentucky University




Teacher Professional Development, Inquiry Instruction, Mathematics Education, Science Education, Secondary Education


Secondary (grades 6th-12th), mathematics and science teachers participated in a two-year inquiry-based professional development (PD) program focused on inquiry-based instruction. This study draws from surveys and classroom observations to assess potential changes in teacher beliefs (Teaching Philosophy, Openness to Change, Job Satisfaction, Professional Commitment, and Inquiry) and instructional practices using the electronic quality of inquiry protocol (EQUIP). Results of a one-way repeated-measures ANOVA found significant increases in participating teachers’ Teaching Philosophy, Openness to Change, Confidence toward Inquiry, and Intentions toward Inquiry. Findings also indicate significant changes in teachers’ instructional practice with teachers participating in the PD implementing higher levels of inquiry instruction in their classroom. Finally, a two-way repeated-measures ANOVA found statistically significant differences in participating teachers’ Teaching Philosophy, Openness to Change, Confidence toward Inquiry, and Intentions toward Inquiry when evaluated with a comparison group of teachers. Overall, results indicate changes in teachers’ beliefs and use of inquiry in their classroom due to their participation in the PD.


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How to Cite

Cribbs, J., Duffin, L., & Day, M. (2022). Effectiveness of an Inquiry Focused Professional Development: Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Beliefs and Instruction. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 8(2), 35–60. https://doi.org/10.51355/jstem.2022.110




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